Shockwave Therapy
At Medical Institute of Healthy Aging, we are happy to offer our patients Shockwave therapy as an additional non-invasive option for treating chronic pain. Shockwave therapy works by emitting an acoustic wave through a handheld device into areas where you are experiencing pain. The high energy produced by the device reaches deep into your tissues, tendons, and bones to promote regeneration and the natural healing processes of your body.

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Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and can provide immediate relief from your painful symptoms. During the appointment, our chiropractor will locate the area to be treated by palpating. After the pain is isolated, a gel will be applied to the area, which helps to transfer the acoustic waves through the tissue. Once a sufficient amount of gel is applied, the Shockwave applicator is gently pressed to the treatment area, and treatment can begin. Treatment generally lasts about five minutes.

During treatment, you may feel minor discomfort depending on the severity of your pain. If it becomes too uncomfortable for you, please let your chiropractor know so that the intensity can be adjusted. Afterward, we recommend you refrain from activities that may irritate the treatment area for 48 hours. Depending on your particular condition, we recommend between 3 and 5 treatments, which are done 3-10 days apart.

For questions about Shockwave therapy and how it can ease your pain or to schedule an appointment, please call our office at !

Benefits of SoftWave™ Therapy:

• Pain reduction
• Reduces inflammation
• Increased function & mobility
• Non-surgical & drug-free
• Cost effective
• Activation of stem cells
• Regeneration of damaged tissue
• No negative side effects
• Boosts collegen production
• 10 minute treatment time

Commonly Treated Conditions:

• Neck and Back Pain
• Shoulder Tendinopathies
• Bone on Bone Discomfort (Knees, Shoulders, Hips, Discs)
• Tennis Elbow/Golfers Elbow (epicondylitis)
• Heel Spurs/Plantar fasciitis
• Muscular Trigger Points
• Fractures
• Neuropathies
• Patellar Syndrome
• Ulnar Nerve/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Biceps Tendinopathies
• and more…